Remote sensing: Digital image processing (3/3)

After the acquisition of satellite images, these must undergo processing: 

Radiometric correction: it consists in correcting the errors produced by sensor imperfections, the effect of the atmosphere ... The correction of these errors is based on mathematical models, or else an algebraic correction (we subtract for example a minimum radiometric value of all pixels). 

Georeferentiation: this is a geometric transformation. This process aims to coincide the image coordinate system with a reference system. This corrects the image of the effect of the relief and the tilt of the aerial platform. So that it can be superimposed on a topographic map. Like any geometric transformation, a resampling is necessary, as the extent of the pixels is modified and therefore a radiometric value must be associated with the new pixels, the choice of the resampling technique depends on the purpose of the study: 

- Nearest neighbor: allows you to associate with each new pixel the value of the old pixel which is closest to it. 

- Bilinear transformation: interpolation of the values of the 4 neighboring pixels. 

- Cubic transform: double interpolation, it uses the 16 pixels neighboring the pixel concerned. 

Enhancement: it is a radiometric transformation. This operation consists in making the image more contrasted, the histogram (represents the number of occurrences of the radiometric values) then becomes more distributed and uniform. There are several varieties of enhancement, in the general case, a linear enhancement is applied. However, it is possible to apply an enhancement in stages serving to apply an enhancement coefficient to each range of radiometric values. 

Filtering: consists in applying a filter to the image to highlight particular details, we often hear two types of filters: 

- High pass filter: allows to highlight areas with high spatial frequency (contours, linear details ...) 

- Low pass filter: allows the highlighting of zones with low spatial frequency (uniform zones ...)

Thresholding: it is an operation which consists in fixing thresholds for certain phenomena. To fully understand, we suppose that we want to know the plant areas from the non-plant areas, for that, we must apply a threshold which makes it possible to distinguish the plant areas. For example, we apply a threshold of 200 for the reflectance in green. This means that the zones whose reflectance of green exceeds 200 are zones deemed to be vegetation, and the others are not vegetation. (There is an index that most characterizes vegetation called NDVI: normalized difference vegetation index) 

Classification: it is an operation which is used to extract the classes in the image based on the radiometric values. That is to say extracting areas of vegetation, water (lakes, sea ...), urban, bare ground. For quality control, we go out to the field to check the class of a sample of points distributed over the study area. Classification can be supervised (requires prior knowledge of the field) or unsupervised (100% automatic).

After classification, we get a land use map.


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